Success Stories

If you are considering making a change to your oral health but aren't sure what you want or how it will look, please take a moment to browse our Smile Gallery. We hope these before and after pictures of actual patients help inspire you.
Case 1: Anterior crown and bridge

Dental Problem: Multiple fractured anterior teeth with significant wear, congenitally missing lateral tooth.
Treatment: Zirconia-porcelain bridge and anterior crowns to restore both esthetics and stabilize function.
Case 2: Implant supported anterior bridge

Dental Problem: Missing maxillary anterior teeth with history of recurrent fracture of upper partial denture and persistent tissue inflammation.
Treatment: Implant-supported fixed restoration (implant-supported bridge) to restore anterior esthetics and improve function.
Case 3: Anterior veneers

Dental Problem: Poor esthetics of anterior teeth with worn bonding, open gingival embrasures (spacing at gumline) and poor tooth form.
Treatment: Conservative anterior porcelain veneers.
Case 4: Maxillary Implant supported fixed prosthesis (werdan)

Dental Problem: Patient unhappy with complete upper denture, both from esthetic and functional perspective.
Treatment: Placement of 6 implants and construction of a fixed implant-supported upper prosthesis (permanent implant bridge).
Case 5: Implant crowns

Dental Problem: Congenitally missing canine teeth.
Treatment: Implant-supported single crowns.
Case 6: Full mouth rehabilitation

Dental Problem: Failing restorations, severe wear, unstable occlusion, and poor esthetics.
Treatment: Full mouth rehabilitation using crowns and bridges on natural teeth after re-establishment of ideal occlusion (bite).
Case 7: Dual arch implant supported fixed restorations

Dental Problem: Inadequate maxillary and mandibular complete dentures where patient requested a permanent non-removable solution.
Treatment: Implant-supported fixed complete restorations for both upper and lower teeth.
Case 8: Single crown

Dental Problem: Poor anterior esthetics.
Treatment: Remake of anterior crown.
Case 9: Implant-retained denture and implant-supported fixed bridge

Dental Problem: Failing terminal dentition (unrestorable teeth) with rampant decay (cavities), infection and pain. Inability to chew or function properly.
Treatment: Extraction of unrestorable teeth and placement of 4 implants in both upper and lower arches. Fabrication of implant-retained complete upper denture and implant-supported fixed bridge to restore lower teeth.
Case 10: Complex implant-supported bridge

Dental Problem: Multiple failing teeth with uneven and unstable occlusion and poor esthetics and function.
Treatment: Removal of hopeless teeth, placement of 4 implants and fabrication of implant-supported fixed bridge.
Case 11: Anterior buildup and crowns

Dental Problem: Severe tooth fracture due to trauma.
Treatment: Treatment: Root canal treatment with tooth buildup and single all-ceramic crowns.
Case 12: Anterior crowns

Dental Problem: Severe tooth wear, uneven smile and history of recurrent tooth chipping.
Treatment: Anterior all ceramic crowns.